What a beautiful day God has given us! There is still a slight dusting of snow on the ground outside and the air is crisp with winter on the horizon. Last night, I had the opportunity to do some Christmas shopping for the children. This is just the start. Every year I determine that I am going to start early and I do, however, the gifts usually end up as birthday presents or gifts for special occasions. Going shopping last night, with Christmas carols serenading me as I choose that perfect gift inspired me to come home and decorate for the season. This is what the end result was at 1am! The children have a tree that they decorate so when they got up this morning and saw the one in the living room...they started bugging me to get theirs out. However, Rachael is away visiting Grammie and so we have to wait for her to come home.
There has been no school the last couple of days and so I am trying to find things to amuse the children. They on the other hand just want to create a mess everywhere they go. Between coloring the white rungs on the staircase the other day with a purple crayon and today coloring the door they sure love making more work for me. :) I am just thanking God for Magic Erasers!! They don't last long at our house. I love my life and wouldn't trade my children for the world even though they try my patience at time. They are precious to me. And like God blessed Abraham and Sarah with laughter when he gave them Issac...he has blessed our home with laughter when he gave us our 5 sweet children. Laughter is good medicine. It's good for the soul mind and body. In this busyness of this Christmas Season..take time to laugh. Play the Ha..Ha game with your children and I guarantee you that you will split your sides laughing not too far into the game. I do that at the oddest moments during the day with my children. It definitely help to relieve stress. The bible talks about how the Joy of the Lord is our strength. This is the season of JOY it's there for the taking but not to hold onto...give it to the next person you meet! :)
♫ Oh tiding of comfort and joy.... ♫
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