Just wanted to drop a line to say, HI and that I haven't forgotten about those of you who follow my blog on a regular basis. I tried to post a few that I had written and had problems with the web :(
In the last post I was sharing pics of the beautiful fall colors and now it's snowing. Today was the first official snowfall for our little neck of the woods. It's so beautiful but it wont last. Already the flakes are disintegrating as they hit the pavement. The kids were so excited that they've been playing outside all afternoon. I do believe Hot Chocolate and Cookies will be on the menu for snacks when they barrel in from making snow angels with cheeks all aglow.
In October, the children had a wonderful time picking out costumes for Halloween. They were very creative with their choices. We also had a scare in October when the house next door caught on fire and we had to evacuate our home.
In November, Reuben and Rachael were a part of the Remembrance Day ceremonies. They had joined the Navy League Cadets and were a part of the parade. What an honor for them.
Here we are...almost half way through November, the children got their report cards yesterday and we are so proud of their efforts. It's nice to see all those A's and B's. The twins are loving Preschool and have adjusted well to the change in their routine. We are in the process of finishing up some minor renovations before Christmas. It's hard to believe it is just around the corner. This year is almost over....where did the time go? Hope you all have a fantastic time getting ready for the holiday's...the snowfall today has put me in the mood for Christmas :) Mmmm....I wonder where I put my Christmas CD's...it will probably be valentines day before I find them all LOL
Here are a few pics of some adventures in Storeyland:
Halloween 2008

November 2008
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