~♫~It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere we go...~♫~
This familiar carol serenades us as we decorate and trim the house for our favorite Holiday of the year. I love decorating and sometimes have the tendency to go overboard but hey, what a great time to take advantage of this decorative urge I have. Every time I go out shopping for gifts I get distracted and spend a long time in the Christmas Decor aisles and each time I resist the temptation to buy another item to make our house look more Christmasy!
I love the soft glow that the Christmas lights bring. It's so warm and inviting. They create such a cozy, peaceful atmosphere at home. I love snuggling with my children by the tree that is all aglow. For my friends and family that live across Canada and on the other side of the world....here are a few pics of my hand at decorating this year :)