It is not often in our busy lives that time seems to stand still however, just for a short while tonight that happened for me. The last couple of weeks have been hectic with shopping, concerts, practices etc and in the midst of all of that the Twins and I got very sick. I could feel that dreaded emotion of being overwhelmed creeping up on me today when I thought of all the things I didn't get done yet as I lay in bed with a raging fever. Despite the fact I was sick, I still wanted to get some things done around the house. Tonight however, we decided that instead of cleaning up we would just enjoy the evening and watch a movie together as a family. It was so nice to relax with the children and snuggle together as the movie played on. It was in that moment that it seemed like time stood still. The moment where the children were giggling and snuggling closer as they enjoyed the antics of 6 little puppies that made me wish I could stay there forever.
We rented the movie Snow Buddies tonight. It's a great family movie....a cute and cuddly kind of movie. The children really liked it and even though it wasn't a cartoon, the Twins sat and watched it all the way through. I cherish every moment I get with the children and at times I look at them and just can't believe how fast they are growing up. I am so thankful for those little moments where you swell with love for them. The moments when they give you a homemade card or picture with their faces beaming with joy as they watch your reaction upon reading the card. The moments when they take one of their toys and wrap it up as a gift for you because they love you so much they wanted you to have it. Moments of laughter, tears and even anger. Moments that are filled with little personality traits unique to who they are. When they say things like, "Your the best Mommy in the world, your the prettiest mommy...your my little Mommy etc.." Moments of hugs, kisses. acting silly and dancing together. Such moments will be cherished forever in my heart.
I love this time of year because I am such a family gal. I love spending time with our families. I am especially looking forward to visiting with my grandparents. I am so thankful and appreciative that they are still here with us and fortunate that I have had all my grandparents living to enjoy this Christmas. We had a little scare this fall with Grammie Moss's health but she pulled through and is doing great. That made me realize that I needed to create more moments with them and to never take their health for granted. How many people are lucky enough to have their grandparents with them in their 30's? I am truly blessed :) I can never take enough pictures of them. They are so special to me.
My husband's Grandmother just celebrated her 90th birthday this past summer and we are excited about going to see her this Christmas as well. Our children have a rich heritage and we thank God for that. Visiting with family over the holidays is the highlight of each Christmas. Incase I don't get a chance to update this blog before Christmas I want to take a moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Remember......Jesus is the reason for the season!!!!