We just want to say we are so proud of your accomplishments. If there is one thing we have learned over the years, it's that your a fighter. From the time you were a little boy diagnosed with Leukemia, you beat the odds and came out victorious. We know that no matter what path you choose in life you will succeed, especially if you put God first and allow him to lead you. We've watch you grow into a fine young man and want you to know that you are in our prayers daily. As this new chapter unfolds before you remember to:
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding.... In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths!" Proverbs 3:4-5
Congratulations on your graduation from High School, Luke. May God richly bless you in all you do!
Love and Prayers:
Uncle Conrad, Aunt Joanie and your 5 Storey cousins