While grocery shopping with the Twins today, I asked them to help me load the groceries into the cart. Not only did this keep them occupied but I did appreciate the help :) We were working away when all of a sudden Alex yells loudly, "Mommy look! That man NEEDS a TIMEOUT!!" I turned to see what Alex was talking about and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary so I reassured Alex that it wasn't nice to shout in the store and it certainly wasn't nice to be pointing at people. I started loading more things in the cart when Alex yells again..."Mommy, look at that man over there...he NEEDS a TIME OUT!" I turned again almost spontaneously and only saw a couple of men in line behind us..an elderly and a young man just peppered with tattoo's. I was getting annoyed at Alex and a bit embarrassed by his rude behaviour, so I reminded him if he didn't stop HE was getting in the cart. "But, Mommy," he insisted "that man marked all over himself and so he needs to be punished for it." pointing again to the man with the tattoo's. My face was red while everyone burst into laughter to which the man smiled and replied, " Your right, I probably do need a time out for doing that."

This brought to my remembrance New Years Eve 2007 when the twins decorated themselves and the walls with stamper markers. We did put them in a short timeout for doing that but let them play for a bit before we bathed them. LOL