What a day!! First of all, the walk with the Premier was today. Rachael and Reuben were chosen to go on the walk in Fredericton with Premier Shawn Graham and other MLA's. Rachael took the camera and captured some unique pictures. They both came home excited and happy that they went on the walk.
We had a quick supper then headed to the airport to see my sister off. She and her girls are moving to AB to be with her fiancee,
Jackson. What an emotional day! I have a headache and my face is all puffy from crying so much. Michelle, is my little sister but she is also one of my best friends and during the past 3 years we grew even closer. Always spending as much time as we can together with countless trips to Tim's or watching movies. Her girls are very close to our children and we've gone on a few road trips together with them. I am so very happy and proud of my sister for taking this step but it is still hard to see them go. Thank goodness for technology for she's only a button away but still that's not the same as hanging out together. I MISS her already and she hasn't even reached AB yet! I am sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear from her............

Sept 29th, Today
We have heard from Michelle and they are doing great. They are on vacation in the Mountains!! I am so happy for you girl! I know that you are content and excited to be there! The previous was a blog I started on the day she flew out....
We went to visit Mom & Dad Storey on the weekend. The kids had fun picking apples in the rain. We did some baking then headed home. We spent the evening preparing for Hurricane Kyle who was due to hit us Sunday night, however all we got was a tropical storm. Thank goodness it had lost it strength as it moved across the Maritimes. Nothing was out of place this morning when we woke up.
God has given us a beautiful day today. The leaves have really turned color and the sun is peaking through the clouds. I was happy to hear from an old friend this morning. After all....Old friends are the Best Friends!!!
The twins have made house cleaning such a challenge today. they started by dumping all the girls hair bows on the floor and spreading them over the house. Those tiny elastics are such a pain to clean up
:( Then, they overflowed the sink in the bathroom as I was trying to clean up the kitchen. I got there in time to see a roll of toilet paper and 5 little tooth brushes floating in a million bubbles in the sink with water rolling down the sides. Two little children soaked from head to toe. Sometimes, I really wish I could be in 2 places at once and have several arms. Yet, even though I get frustrated with them....inside I am smiling. I know this too shall pass. They are growing up so fast and I cherish every moment I have with them even the messy ones :)