Thursday, September 11, 2008

I Believe - A 9/11 Tribute

We Will Remember!


September 11th, 2001

For most people around the world 7 years ago, this day started as a routine and boring day until the first plane hit the Twin tower in New York, USA. I remember turning the radio on while I was cleaning when I heard the first broadcast. Like most people, I was dumbfounded and in disbelief. I rushed to turn on the TV to see if there was anything about it in the news. We only had 3 basic channels but on one a message came across the screen saying...we interrupt this program with breaking news that another plane has hit the Twin Towers. I was so consumed with the newscast that I didn't hear Hannah for a couple of minutes. She was 5 months at the time and was crying after waking up from a nap. Some of us can probably remember in detail many things that transpired on this day. It went down in history as a very sad and tragic story of death, loss, violence and war.

I didn't know anyone who perished or anyone who was connected personally to this story but it still moved me with sadness and compassion. For many months afterwards there were testimonies and survivor's gaining the courage to share their stories. I did hear one that was pretty amazing at how God protects his children. There was a christian who worked in the office of where a plane hit directly in one of the towers. He was on his way to work that morning feeling great when all of a sudden, he got very sick. He got so sick that he was compelled to turn around and go back home where he watched in sadness as his coworkers perished or were hurt badly.

This was a wake up call for America and Canada and shook these nations to the very core. Family and friends were holding each other a little tighter and all of a sudden what was taken for granted became precious. Most of us woke up and realized that just because we lived in the west doesn't mean we are protected from terror. This even affected our children who heard about it at school or overheard conversations about it. It drove people to prayer and caused them to get back to the basics of life. All of a sudden families weren't so concerned about material things because in an instant they realized you could loose it all.

Tragedies like this are so hard to comprehend with our human minds and we are left wondering... Why? Why would God allow this to even happen? What people don't realize is that God is bound by his word and he gave humans a free will to choose right from wrong. Some people make the wrong choice and as a result, innocent lives are lost and innocent people suffer. It is sad that this happens. For every action there is a reaction and when the action is terror...nations suffer. God didn't do this...Man did. But the good news is, in any tragedy God is able to bring healing and comfort. He is always able to take what was meant for evil and turn it around for good. He is an on time God ready to minister in time of need if we will allow him to. He would never force himself on us because then he would be taking away our will of free choice.

On this day 7 years ago, the world changed. For the families whose lives were touched by this.....they will never be the same! We will remember!!

*If you haven't taken the time to watch the YouTube video I so sometime. It's a gentle reminder to be thankful for the life you live.*

Busy as a Bee

I love the fall. The air gets cooler as the leaves turn such beautiful colors. Children are back to school and life slows down....NOT!!! (LOL) For some reason, I thought with the Twins going to Preschool I wouldn't be as busy however, I find that I am even more on the go. Getting 5 children in the mornings can be a bit of a challenge if the children don't want to co-operate. Sometimes, I feel like I am herding cattle to the bus stop! Then while getting the Twins loaded into the van for preschool something unexpected always come up. Like for instance this morning, I had both all buckled in their seats ready to go when Alex pipes up...I have to go potty and so of course, Emily had to go too. There is always something to do in the mornings and a lot of stuff left undone.

Tuesday night we had our Gr. 6 orientation at HP for Reuben. What a fantastic staff they have and it was really neat to see that Reubens homeroom Teacher was someone I graduated from High School with. We were fortunate to have my sister babysit for us so, we turned this night into a date night. It was nice to relax and chat with Hubby about different things and after we got home, my sister and I were able to have some girl time at Timmies.

I cherish every moment I get to spend with Michelle before she moves away. (I have started a blog about us but haven't published it yet) She and her girls stayed the night and needless to say she was surprised at how busy I was and how fast the day goes with the kids coming and going at different times. There is never a dull moment around here. Even though sometimes I am so thinly spread I feel like I am going to snap, I am thankful that I have this business in my life. For the last year I have been battling some health problems so that only adds to our busy days. What I am not able to accomplish in a run of a day, Hubby is kind enough to fufill the task. We are busy as bee's even when we work together but when one of us is sick, we find it hard to even sit and relax for a moment or two but we wouldn't change things for the world...except maybe my health improving. :)

I can relate to these cartoons as I am sure many of you can! They got me through some pretty stressful days :)