~♥~Hi... to all you consistant blog readers out there! This is my first post and first attempt at creating our little corner on the internet. Welcome to the Adventures in Storeyland!~♥~
The Girls woke up and came downstairs. I got their breakfast and finished putting up lunches. Hubby rushed off to work and the twins amused themselves with morning cartoons. Rachael realized that the van was home so she immediatly started begging me to drive them to school. Ahhhh, an excuse to go to Timmies and get my much needed cup of hot coffee! LOL So, I got dressed and got the twins ready and after much picture taking we piled into the van and drove away. Today was so emotional for me! It's hard letting go of your children a bit so they can enter into another stage of independance. Reuben is growing up fast. He didn't want to be driven to school today. It wouldn't be cool, Mom, he said. I am worried about what sort of things he will be exposed to at Middle School. Drugs...Sex...Bullying...etc. You know the regular things Mommy's worry about. Sometimes, I wish I could be a fly on the wall at school that turns into a warrior when he needs protection or influance to make the right choices. We can only hope that the morals and values we instilled in them from the time they were born will stand the test of peer presssure. Combine that with our daily prayers and God's protective power, we have to be encouraged that everything is going to be ok.
When I watched Hannah and Rachael get ready this morning, I realized that they are growing up so fast too. Hannah was our baby for quite awhile until the twins came along. She is going into grade 2 and was very excited that she would be seeing her friends today. Rachael is going into grade 4 and she was looking forward to seeing her friends too. We live in a Military Town and a lot of their friends move away during the school year due to postings to another province. Rachaels good friend Melissa moved away this summer and Rachael had a few sad moments when she realized that Mel wouldn't be there today. All in all, they were very excited to be back to school. Dressed in their new outfits with huge backpacks, they looked like little ants carrying a huge load. It won't be long and I will be seeing Emily and Alex off to school. They do start headstart next tuesday! Ahhh, my babies are growing up and letting go is so hard to do.