It certainly has been a while since I've written anything on my blog! I may have to do the update in 2 parts!!! When I signed in tonight, I realized that my last post was in February!! Wow, time certainly goes fast! Life gets busy with 5 children and when I decided to take a short break from blogging to concentrate on other things, I didn't realize how long that break would be. My apologies to my faithful readers who may have been a bit disappointed to see I took a 3 month hiatus! Here is a quick update to bring you up to par as to what's been happening in Storeyland!
March 2009
Rachael turned 10 on March 3rd!! We went to Amherst during March Break as part of her double digit birthday celebration. The children had a blast at the Super 8 motel which had an 80 ft water slide etc. Rachael is such a beautiful little lady. She is very artistic and creative. She is a joy to have around and is very helpful! She is a precious gift from God!
Happy 10th Birthday Sweetie!!
Rachael.....age 2

Rachael....age 10!!
The following are a few pictures we took in Amherst NS. They had an ice storm during March Break and we actually had no power at the hotel a couple of nights. We had a blast when that happened. All the guests came out of their rooms and hung out in the halls were the emergency lights lasted for 45 minutes. The children enjoyed a movie via a portable DVD player on a night stand in the middle of the hallway. I had brought a bunch of cupcakes for our children to decorate and we ended up sharing with the other children who had a blast decorating cupcakes in the dark. We shared a lot of laughter and fun that night and got to meet a lot of great people. It made our stay even more special. We took what could have been a boring night for the children and turned it into a memory they'll cherish forever.
~The children watching "Horton Hears a Who"
just after the power went out.
(This pic was taken before the crowd arrived!)
~The ice on the tree's was beautiful to see but
left quite a mess for the power crews to clean up!
It was nice to get away from the norm for a few days! The rest of March went by really fast. My precious Mother celebrated her 50th birthday on March 23rd! She is looking younger everyday!! I hope somehow I've inherited that gene. LOL My sister hosted a 50th party for her to celebrate such a milestone. We are so happy to have a praying Mother who is young enough to hang out and have fun with us. She had me in her teens and sometimes we are more like sister's than Mother & Daughter...she is very special to me :)
Happy 50th Birthday Mother!!!
~Mom and Rachael posing at her party
with the painting of a wolf Rachael did
for her 50th birthday!!
~Storeyland be continued :)