Over the years we have developed our own language mainly derived from the children as they tried to talk. Once in awhile just for fun we use these words to bring a smile to our children's faces :) Here are some words from our language:
Our adorable neice turns 8 today!! Happy Birthday Shanelle!
Love: Uncle Conrad, Aunt Joanie, Rachael,
Reuben, Hannah, Emily & Alex :)
*Ps. I'd like to make this a monthy post as a birthday comes up :)
September 11th, 2001
For most people around the world 7 years ago, this day started as a routine and boring day until the first plane hit the Twin tower in New York, USA. I remember turning the radio on while I was cleaning when I heard the first broadcast. Like most people, I was dumbfounded and in disbelief. I rushed to turn on the TV to see if there was anything about it in the news. We only had 3 basic channels but on one a message came across the screen saying...we interrupt this program with breaking news that another plane has hit the Twin Towers. I was so consumed with the newscast that I didn't hear Hannah for a couple of minutes. She was 5 months at the time and was crying after waking up from a nap. Some of us can probably remember in detail many things that transpired on this day. It went down in history as a very sad and tragic story of death, loss, violence and war.
I didn't know anyone who perished or anyone who was connected personally to this story but it still moved me with sadness and compassion. For many months afterwards there were testimonies and survivor's gaining the courage to share their stories. I did hear one that was pretty amazing at how God protects his children. There was a christian who worked in the office of where a plane hit directly in one of the towers. He was on his way to work that morning feeling great when all of a sudden, he got very sick. He got so sick that he was compelled to turn around and go back home where he watched in sadness as his coworkers perished or were hurt badly.*If you haven't taken the time to watch the YouTube video I posted...do so sometime. It's a gentle reminder to be thankful for the life you live.*
To those of you who may not know our family, I wanted to introduce you to the 7 Storeys. As stated in my profile, I am currently a stay at home Christian Mommy of 5 adorable miracle children. Every baby is a miracle however my babies are they type of miracles that you could only hope for. The Doctor told us that we would never have children after loosing 4 babies and I was devastated. But the God I serve is a Healer and one night a Bible School Student prayed for me and I had a miraculous healing much to the Doctor's surprise! I will be posting my personal story in the near future that has more details about this. My husband and I are blessed and thank God for our adorable children. Not only did we end up with 5 of them, but included in that is a set of Twins. A double portion!!! :)
I am so thankful for my wonderful husband, Conrad who has put up with me for over 16 years now. Hard to believe that 14 of those years were in marriage. I was young when I married him and he is such a dedicated husband and father. A man of God and truly a man of integrity. A man that I am so proud to call my husband. He is a Senior Systems Analyst and volunteers in many areas for our local church. He also plays the drums and enjoys fishing, spending time with the kids and the occasional wing night at JJ's. He has an amazing sense of humor and puts his family first.
~♥~ Storey 1 & 2 ~♥~
Conrad & Joanie
~♥~ Storey 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 ~♥~
Our oldest, Reuben is 10 (soon to be 11) and is a compassionate, loving boy. He enjoys biking and playing his DS. Rachael, our second child is 9 and is very much a mother hen. She is easygoing and very artistic. Hannah is 7 and enjoys playing outside and doing puzzles. She has a bubbly personality. The twins, Alex and Emily are 4. Alex is very protective of Emily and is more mischievous whereas Emily is a nurturer. They enjoy playing outside and doing crafts. All of our children are a joy to have and they mean the world to us. To view more pics or to learn more about us you can visit our website at http://www.the7storeys.piczo.com/ It is not totally finished yet as I don't have much time to work on it or up date it. It will always be a work in progress, I am sure. God Bless and have a wonderful day!