Over the years we have developed our own language mainly derived from the children as they tried to talk. Once in awhile just for fun we use these words to bring a smile to our children's faces :) Here are some words from our language:
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Storeyland Language
Over the years we have developed our own language mainly derived from the children as they tried to talk. Once in awhile just for fun we use these words to bring a smile to our children's faces :) Here are some words from our language:
Kids are FUNNY!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Storeyland Update
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Storeyland Silliness..A Sip of Humor!
You Can't Keep a Good Man Down
What kind of a man would watch 7 children for the weekend just so his wife could enjoy the weekend away with her sisters and Mother? What kind of a man would become Molly Maid when his wife is quite sick, making sure homework gets done and the kids are fed. What kind of a man hits rock bottom at times only to keep pressing on and never giving up on God or his family? That kind of man is My Husband, my mentor, my lover and my best friend. Some people would think he was a sucker for punishment but we see him as a man of valor, integrity and a fine example for his sons to follow.
I adore my husband and I am very proud of him. I am so thankful that God has brought him into my life 16 years ago. On a more personal note, Conrad.....I want you to know that we appreciate EVERYTHING you do for us. I know this isn't father's day but your special to us everyday! I just wanted to take a moment online to let you know just how important you are to us and how thankful we are for the sacrifices you make for us. Your a good man and we LOVE you!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Another Sip of Humor
While grocery shopping with the Twins today, I asked them to help me load the groceries into the cart. Not only did this keep them occupied but I did appreciate the help :) We were working away when all of a sudden Alex yells loudly, "Mommy look! That man NEEDS a TIMEOUT!!" I turned to see what Alex was talking about and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary so I reassured Alex that it wasn't nice to shout in the store and it certainly wasn't nice to be pointing at people. I started loading more things in the cart when Alex yells again..."Mommy, look at that man over there...he NEEDS a TIME OUT!" I turned again almost spontaneously and only saw a couple of men in line behind us..an elderly and a young man just peppered with tattoo's. I was getting annoyed at Alex and a bit embarrassed by his rude behaviour, so I reminded him if he didn't stop HE was getting in the cart. "But, Mommy," he insisted "that man marked all over himself and so he needs to be punished for it." pointing again to the man with the tattoo's. My face was red while everyone burst into laughter to which the man smiled and replied, " Your right, I probably do need a time out for doing that."
This brought to my remembrance New Years Eve 2007 when the twins decorated themselves and the walls with stamper markers. We did put them in a short timeout for doing that but let them play for a bit before we bathed them. LOL
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Conversation With the Kids :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Under Construction
Oh Ye of Little Patience
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's a New Season
A Sip of Humor :)
This was sent to me via e-mail...thought it was cute and funny..Enjoy :)
1. Dirt, just like for the rest of us.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Proof That Actions are Loud!!
Well, in my last blog I posted about how actions speak louder than words little did I know that after that, I would have a perfect example. Our oldest Daughter, Rachael is pretty much a copy cat of myself when I was younger. She is very creative and loves to write. She saw me working on a blog that isn't published yet and begged to create her own blog. So here it is :)
Feel free to take a look. With a little help from me to set it up....she was on her own. I thought she did a pretty good job for her first try at it. Who knows...her blog may end up being more interesting than mine LOL
~♥~ Happy Birthday ~♥~
Our adorable neice turns 8 today!! Happy Birthday Shanelle!
Love: Uncle Conrad, Aunt Joanie, Rachael,
Reuben, Hannah, Emily & Alex :)
*Ps. I'd like to make this a monthy post as a birthday comes up :)
Do As I Do
What a busy weekend this has been! I have come to the conclusion that blogging won't be a daily occurrence for me. There just aren't enough hours in the run of the day some days in Storeyland. Friday, I didn't even turn the computer on and Saturday was spent doing odd jobs around the house. We didn't have much leisure time until today and even then I am still tending to a couple of children that aren't feeling well. A woman's work is never done....*sigh*
Hubby finally had the opportunity to fix our table last night so today we had our first family meal together at the table in a few weeks. It was nice to sit around the table instead of eating on stools at the breakfast nook. The kids were happy to have things come back to 'normal' too even though it hasn't been an overly long time since it broke. It seemed like forever because our everyday routine was affected by it. We have always made it a point with our children to have family meals together. Not only does it create unity but it also gives us a chance to talk about the day's events. Sunday is our day to have a big dinner with all the fixing's.
In an attempt to try and make things run a little smoother here we have been reinforcing the rule of cleaning up after yourself...taking your dishes to the sink when done eating etc. Reuben, our oldest was invited to dinner at a friends house recently. When I went to pick him up, the parents of his friend let me know how impressed they were with his manners and how he took his plate to the sink etc. It made me feel good that even though he was in a home were it wasn't necessary to do that, he still insisted on doing so. Sometimes the task of teaching our children responsibility can seem daunting but for the most part children learn by example so it's important that they see us doing what we want them to do.
I remember growing up, my Mom would say at times...do as I say and not as I do. Well, sadly that principal doesn't work with children. Actions speak louder than words and children will always copy our actions. It would be nice if we could remember that all the time everyday but sometimes we let emotions get the best of us and we forget that little eye's and ears are watching our every move. It is in those moments, that I apologize right away and tell them that it's a problem that Mommy needs to work on to improve. We are human and we will make mistakes in parenting the important thing is to learn from those mistakes and be real with our children letting them know that it shouldn't have happened or been said etc...
My children reassure me often that I am the Best Mommy in the world and that they love me very much. They love me despite the fact that I am impatient with them at times. Grumpy because they haven't completed their chores or they are giving me a hard time about doing them. They love me despite all the mistakes I make in Mothering them. No matter how misbehaved they are, I love them too for our love is unconditional! Unconditional love is an amazing thing. It forgives all and covers a multitude of mistakes. It's the kind of love that should exist between Husband and Wife, Parents and Children and with it comes a deep feeling of peace and satisfaction. God has that kind love for us. His love knows no limits and it has no conditions on it. Some people think they need to be 'good' before they can become a child of God but he wants you to come as you are. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes but the important thing is to learn from our mistakes and use is as a stepping stone into a brighter and better future keeping in mind that actions really do speak louder than words!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 11th, 2001
For most people around the world 7 years ago, this day started as a routine and boring day until the first plane hit the Twin tower in New York, USA. I remember turning the radio on while I was cleaning when I heard the first broadcast. Like most people, I was dumbfounded and in disbelief. I rushed to turn on the TV to see if there was anything about it in the news. We only had 3 basic channels but on one a message came across the screen saying...we interrupt this program with breaking news that another plane has hit the Twin Towers. I was so consumed with the newscast that I didn't hear Hannah for a couple of minutes. She was 5 months at the time and was crying after waking up from a nap. Some of us can probably remember in detail many things that transpired on this day. It went down in history as a very sad and tragic story of death, loss, violence and war.
I didn't know anyone who perished or anyone who was connected personally to this story but it still moved me with sadness and compassion. For many months afterwards there were testimonies and survivor's gaining the courage to share their stories. I did hear one that was pretty amazing at how God protects his children. There was a christian who worked in the office of where a plane hit directly in one of the towers. He was on his way to work that morning feeling great when all of a sudden, he got very sick. He got so sick that he was compelled to turn around and go back home where he watched in sadness as his coworkers perished or were hurt badly.This was a wake up call for America and Canada and shook these nations to the very core. Family and friends were holding each other a little tighter and all of a sudden what was taken for granted became precious. Most of us woke up and realized that just because we lived in the west doesn't mean we are protected from terror. This even affected our children who heard about it at school or overheard conversations about it. It drove people to prayer and caused them to get back to the basics of life. All of a sudden families weren't so concerned about material things because in an instant they realized you could loose it all.
Tragedies like this are so hard to comprehend with our human minds and we are left wondering... Why? Why would God allow this to even happen? What people don't realize is that God is bound by his word and he gave humans a free will to choose right from wrong. Some people make the wrong choice and as a result, innocent lives are lost and innocent people suffer. It is sad that this happens. For every action there is a reaction and when the action is terror...nations suffer. God didn't do this...Man did. But the good news is, in any tragedy God is able to bring healing and comfort. He is always able to take what was meant for evil and turn it around for good. He is an on time God ready to minister in time of need if we will allow him to. He would never force himself on us because then he would be taking away our will of free choice.
On this day 7 years ago, the world changed. For the families whose lives were touched by this.....they will never be the same! We will remember!!
*If you haven't taken the time to watch the YouTube video I posted...do so sometime. It's a gentle reminder to be thankful for the life you live.*
Busy as a Bee
I love the fall. The air gets cooler as the leaves turn such beautiful colors. Children are back to school and life slows down....NOT!!! (LOL) For some reason, I thought with the Twins going to Preschool I wouldn't be as busy however, I find that I am even more on the go. Getting 5 children in the mornings can be a bit of a challenge if the children don't want to co-operate. Sometimes, I feel like I am herding cattle to the bus stop! Then while getting the Twins loaded into the van for preschool something unexpected always come up. Like for instance this morning, I had both all buckled in their seats ready to go when Alex pipes up...I have to go potty and so of course, Emily had to go too. There is always something to do in the mornings and a lot of stuff left undone.
Tuesday night we had our Gr. 6 orientation at HP for Reuben. What a fantastic staff they have and it was really neat to see that Reubens homeroom Teacher was someone I graduated from High School with. We were fortunate to have my sister babysit for us so, we turned this night into a date night. It was nice to relax and chat with Hubby about different things and after we got home, my sister and I were able to have some girl time at Timmies.
I cherish every moment I get to spend with Michelle before she moves away. (I have started a blog about us but haven't published it yet) She and her girls stayed the night and needless to say she was surprised at how busy I was and how fast the day goes with the kids coming and going at different times. There is never a dull moment around here. Even though sometimes I am so thinly spread I feel like I am going to snap, I am thankful that I have this business in my life. For the last year I have been battling some health problems so that only adds to our busy days. What I am not able to accomplish in a run of a day, Hubby is kind enough to fufill the task. We are busy as bee's even when we work together but when one of us is sick, we find it hard to even sit and relax for a moment or two but we wouldn't change things for the world...except maybe my health improving. :)
I can relate to these cartoons as I am sure many of you can! They got me through some pretty stressful days :)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Listen!!! The Silence is LOUD
Monday, September 8, 2008
Showers of Blessings
One particular rainy day, I had set the twins up with crafts. Since they were distracted, I decided to tackle the ever growing mountain of laundry. The older children were at school and I was making it a goal to have everything done before they got home. As I was sorting clothes, Alex decided he wanted to make breakfast. I had already cooked them oatmeal and they ate all of it so I don' t think it was hunger that prompted him to do this. I was focused on my task at hand and about 10 to 15 minutes into doing laundry I could hear giggles and laughter coming from the kitchen so, I decided to investigate.
Low and behold, there they were just 2 1/2 years old making their own breakfast. There was a dozen eggs smashed all over the floor! Emily was in the process of pouring cereal on the eggs while Alex was adding the milk and stirring it. What a MESS!!! I laugh now when I think back but at the time I wasn't smiling. Nonstop for almost 2 years and even sometimes now, I clean a room while they trash another one. There are countless stories I could tell of them. Like the time I came into the kitchen after getting clothes off the line and they were jumping on the counter on JUICE BOXES laughing as the juice squirted out and ran down the fridge and wall. There are times I wonder if our house will ever be normal or halfway decent again. But in the midst of all this chaos, I am counting my blessings. Thankful for all that God has given me and knowing that He wouldn't give us any more than we can bare.
Just this morning, I was more tempted to groan and complain rather than count my blessings. I tackled the downstairs washroom and while I was giving it a thorough cleaning, Alex decided to shine my kitchen floors......with margarine!! Not only that but he shined the stove and stools too. I am not sure if Emily helped him. He blames her and she said that it was him but I only saw Alex in the kitchen. What a mess to clean up. On the bright side, everything is very slippery and smooth now. LOL
I am so thankful that it is not a rainy day today. The twins are now ready to go outside with me for a nice walk. As I reflect on the showers of blessings in my life, I am so thankful that I serve a God who wants to bless us beyond measure. So much so that we can hardly contain it. He gave me a double blessing when he gave me the Twins. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband and 5 healthy children. It would take hours to share the showers of blessings that have come into my life. To many time we focus on what we think we need and take for granted the blessings that have already happened to us. The old hymn says "Count your blessings, name them one by one....Count your many blessings see what God has done!" It will amaze you as you begin to count your blessings just how much God has blessed you with!
"And I will send showers, showers of blessings, which will come just when they are needed" Ezekiel 34:26, NLT
A Sip of Humor
Friday, September 5, 2008
Where Did the Summer Go?
My mother has 19 grandchildren and she isn't even 50 yet. I have one brother and 4 sisters and between the six of us we have given all these grandchildren to our Parents. Family functions are filled with laughter and a lot of noise as all these children except one are ages 11 and under! We have come to realize that time spent together is precious and that it goes very fast. I wish we would have had more time to do what we wanted to do this summer. In August it rained nonstop for well over 17 days straight. This put a damper on any outside activities but I am thankful that I got to see a lot of my family that I haven't seen in years and happy that we were able to take the children on vacation to Nova Scotia where they had the time of their lives :)
Isn't it funny how when we were children time seemed to stand still? Now, as adults we don't have enough hours in the run of the day to do all we want to do. Many times I lay my head down at night disappointed that I didn't accomplish all I wanted to however more importantly I realized I am blessed because I took the time to spend quality time with my children. We may have gone on a hike or explored nature in a local park. Or maybe we baked cookies and watched a movie together. It is those little moments where the child feels more important than housework that matter. We had a lot of projects planned for this summer and not even half of them got done and it left us wondering...where did the summer go? I know where it went...it drifted off down memory lane like all of our yesterdays!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Mommy for Sale
There are some things in life that we just can't put a price on and yet we take them for granted. The value of these things are so great that there isn't enough money in the world to come anywhere near being close to the worth of those things. Our husbands/wives, our marriages, our children, family and friends are sometimes under appreciated and taken for granted. We take life for granted even. In the end it is not going to matter how many people you impressed or how many material things you accumulated. It's not going to matter even how much your worth. What is going to matter is if you made a difference in the lives of people around you. If you shone a light where there was darkness or if you encouraged someone with a kind word or a smile.
Awhile back in my personal devotions, I began a study on the Proverbs 31 woman. The virtuous woman, the woman that God wants us to be. The woman I desire to become with Gods guidance and 'the woman whose price is far above rubies'. ( Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Prov 31:10) I am not perfect and I fall short at times but I am so thankful for a loving, merciful God that can restore us and bring healing to our lives. He knows we are human and he doesn't expect us to be perfect. And all though His mercies are new and fresh every morning, that doesn't give us a license to do whatever we want to. ( It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. Lam 3: 22-23)
That kind of mercy is priceless and we shouldn't take it for granted. We have people in our lives right now that we don't show enough appreciation to. These people may have hurt us or disappointed us but sometimes we forget they do those things because they are hurting and not happy. If we could learn to not take it personally and see past their pain, I believe that we can make a difference in their life. We live in a world where getting even justifies everything, however it is forgiveness that releases us to a life of peace not the act of getting even. The act of forgiveness is priceless. Not only does it release you to heal from the hurt but it also frees you up to help others who may be facing the same thing. I know how hard it is to forgive. If you knew my life story and you will someday in the near future when I post my testimony, you would realize that I have had some terrible things happen to me as a child and in order for me to heal. I had to forgive those people that hurt me. Also, how can we expect God to forgive us if we refuse to forgive? You can't put a price on your loved ones even if they do disappoint you or hurt you. They are just as valuable as you are in the eyes of God. He is no respecter of persons and he loves us all the same. I encourage you to take that step and maybe give your loved one a hug or call them up and tell them how much they mean to you. You never know the impact you could make on a persons life. I leave you with a quote I heard one time:
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The 7 Storeys
To those of you who may not know our family, I wanted to introduce you to the 7 Storeys. As stated in my profile, I am currently a stay at home Christian Mommy of 5 adorable miracle children. Every baby is a miracle however my babies are they type of miracles that you could only hope for. The Doctor told us that we would never have children after loosing 4 babies and I was devastated. But the God I serve is a Healer and one night a Bible School Student prayed for me and I had a miraculous healing much to the Doctor's surprise! I will be posting my personal story in the near future that has more details about this. My husband and I are blessed and thank God for our adorable children. Not only did we end up with 5 of them, but included in that is a set of Twins. A double portion!!! :)
I am so thankful for my wonderful husband, Conrad who has put up with me for over 16 years now. Hard to believe that 14 of those years were in marriage. I was young when I married him and he is such a dedicated husband and father. A man of God and truly a man of integrity. A man that I am so proud to call my husband. He is a Senior Systems Analyst and volunteers in many areas for our local church. He also plays the drums and enjoys fishing, spending time with the kids and the occasional wing night at JJ's. He has an amazing sense of humor and puts his family first.
~♥~ Storey 1 & 2 ~♥~
Conrad & Joanie
~♥~ Storey 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 ~♥~
Our oldest, Reuben is 10 (soon to be 11) and is a compassionate, loving boy. He enjoys biking and playing his DS. Rachael, our second child is 9 and is very much a mother hen. She is easygoing and very artistic. Hannah is 7 and enjoys playing outside and doing puzzles. She has a bubbly personality. The twins, Alex and Emily are 4. Alex is very protective of Emily and is more mischievous whereas Emily is a nurturer. They enjoy playing outside and doing crafts. All of our children are a joy to have and they mean the world to us. To view more pics or to learn more about us you can visit our website at http://www.the7storeys.piczo.com/ It is not totally finished yet as I don't have much time to work on it or up date it. It will always be a work in progress, I am sure. God Bless and have a wonderful day!
The Battleground
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Back to School
~♥~Hi... to all you consistant blog readers out there! This is my first post and first attempt at creating our little corner on the internet. Welcome to the Adventures in Storeyland!~♥~
Groan, the alarm clock went of so early this morning and I did not want to get out of bed. After getting my sleep interupted for the third time in the night from restless toddlers, I had a hard time going back to dream land. However, Hubby hurriedly jumped in the shower and urged me that Reuben needed to get up now because he was in Middle School and his bus comes an hour earlier than the one the girls catch for school. I looked at the clock..... YIKES it was 7:04 and Reuben's bus comes at 7:15!! Quickly, I jumped up and rushed downstairs to toast a bagel and put up Reubens lunch while he got dressed. It wasn't long and he was outside waiting for the bus, all fed and clean and with me thanking my lucky stars I got him to take a bath lastnight!
The Girls woke up and came downstairs. I got their breakfast and finished putting up lunches. Hubby rushed off to work and the twins amused themselves with morning cartoons. Rachael realized that the van was home so she immediatly started begging me to drive them to school. Ahhhh, an excuse to go to Timmies and get my much needed cup of hot coffee! LOL So, I got dressed and got the twins ready and after much picture taking we piled into the van and drove away. Today was so emotional for me! It's hard letting go of your children a bit so they can enter into another stage of independance. Reuben is growing up fast. He didn't want to be driven to school today. It wouldn't be cool, Mom, he said. I am worried about what sort of things he will be exposed to at Middle School. Drugs...Sex...Bullying...etc. You know the regular things Mommy's worry about. Sometimes, I wish I could be a fly on the wall at school that turns into a warrior when he needs protection or influance to make the right choices. We can only hope that the morals and values we instilled in them from the time they were born will stand the test of peer presssure. Combine that with our daily prayers and God's protective power, we have to be encouraged that everything is going to be ok.
When I watched Hannah and Rachael get ready this morning, I realized that they are growing up so fast too. Hannah was our baby for quite awhile until the twins came along. She is going into grade 2 and was very excited that she would be seeing her friends today. Rachael is going into grade 4 and she was looking forward to seeing her friends too. We live in a Military Town and a lot of their friends move away during the school year due to postings to another province. Rachaels good friend Melissa moved away this summer and Rachael had a few sad moments when she realized that Mel wouldn't be there today. All in all, they were very excited to be back to school. Dressed in their new outfits with huge backpacks, they looked like little ants carrying a huge load. It won't be long and I will be seeing Emily and Alex off to school. They do start headstart next tuesday! Ahhh, my babies are growing up and letting go is so hard to do.