A new day, a fresh morning and another battle. To all you Parents with budding pre-teens, I am sure you can relate to what I have to write about today. We are entering a new season, fall is just around the corner and the children are now back to school. For our family, this means making a concentrated effort to be organized the night before so that mornings are less stressful and the children aren't going to school with mismatched socks or missing items. However, lastnight I went out with my sister and got home after the children were in bed. I wasn't able to ask their opinion on what they would like to wear to school the next day.
After I got home, I laid the childrens clothes out and packed most of their lunch. Returned agendas and signed papers to their bookbags and made sure all sneakers were matched up and on the shoe rack. Everything was in place and after loading the dishwasher I headed to bed thankful that the children had a great start back to school and that my fears for Reuben starting Middle School were pretty much nonexistant. God had given me a peace about it.
Rachael was up for 5 minutes this morning when the first battle begin. She woke up grumpy so that didn't help matters much. She is normally our calm, easy going child but when she makes her mind up about something she is determined to see it through. The battleground was the livingroom and the first battle was over clothes. I had chosen the wrong outfit for her. An outfit that she loved two weeks ago and now all of a sudden she hated it. I wasn't going to argue with her or try to convince her to wear it. Since, we were up extra early this morning and didn't have to rush. I simply told her to go choose another one with the understanding she had time for that this morning and that from now on that she was responsible for getting her clothes out the night before. Well, she didn't like that idea. I told her that we would discuss it after school.
The second battle was over hair. Rachael doesn't like to wear anything in her hair and since her hair is long it really does need to be kept back from her face. I like for my children to be well kept and I find when she wears her hair loose, it isn't long before it looks like a tangeled mess. Today, we comprimised and after her being dermined not to wear anything....I was just as determind to do something with her hair. So, I told her she could wear her hair loose for the most part. I just wanted to clip it back on the side. I was firm yet gentle with her and thankfully she finally agreed. Of course she had to approve it first by looking in the mirror. She came out of the bathroom beaming, exclaiming "I love it Mommy!" Ah ha!! I won that round.
The third battle took place in the kitchen. This time with Hannah who wanted a bowl of cereal then partway through it changed her mind and wanted a bagel. Of course I told her no that she had to finish her cereal first. Well, she didn't like that and started to whine but I stood my ground and she choose not to finish her breakfast. Time went so fast this morning, and the next thing I knew they were off to school and I began my morning routine.
These battles are common and a part of growing up. It's a way for children to develope their personality and character. Even though all 5 of our children have the same parents, they are all unique and very different individuals. Our youngest are a set of boy/girl twins and all though they have a strong bond with a lot of similarities they are as different as night and day. Wrapped up in these adorable packages lies a lot of talent and potential. They mean the world to me and I love them very much.
I know this post is sharing an example of parental battles but there are many battles that we fight in our life. Some big, some small and some we fight on an almost daily basis. Has life gotten you down or disapointed you? Are you constantly on a battleground with no rest or break from the cares of life? Do you sometimes feel like no one cares and that even God is 'out to get you'? I want to tell you that is not the case at all. God loves you and he has your best interest at heart. In the Bible there is a scripture found in Jeremiah 29:11 that says:" For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. "
You know sometimes He calms the storm and at other times he calms his child in the middle of the storm. I read a quote one time that said, "Instead of saying God here is my problem...say Problem..HERE IS MY GOD!" Wow, that really put things into perspective for me and all of a sudden the problem got smaller and I had renewed strength to press on. Being a follower of Christ is not about religion. It's about a relationship with a loving, merciful God who cares deeply for us. You are worth a lot to him. So much that he died for you so that you could live a life of peace, joy and happiness. (John 3:16) He has a special gift for you and all you have to do is ask, believe and recieve. ( Acts 2:38) That void you have in your heart that you've tried to fill with different things that disapoint or hurts you will be filled with the love of Christ and you will know what true happiness is if you surrender your life to him. There is a battle going on daily for your soul but that battle was already won on the cross. However, God is a gentleman and will not force you to serve Him so the choices you make today will echo throughout eternity and will determine who gets your soul after you pass from this life. I hope and pray you make the right choice.
Joshua 24:15: " And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the LORD, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."
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