They say confession is good for the soul, so I must confess..... I don't have much patience!! Especially when I am pressed for time like in the mornings while getting the children ready for school. Everyone is on a different schedule. Reuben needs to be out the door by 7:05, Hubby by 7:45, Rachael and Hannah by 8:05 and the Twins by 8:45! It makes for a pretty hectic morning and even more so when the children just want to dwadle and watch cartoons. Some times I feel like I am herding cattle out the door rather than children!
Ever heard the expression...Lord give me patience but please hurry? LOL Well, that was sort of my mindset this morning. Someone once told me to never pray for patience...I wonder if that's because in order to gain patience we have to be tested? I guarantee you having 5 children will test your patience. So many times people have told me, "Wow, you have so much patience with your children!" I think they would take that back if they could see me scrambling around in the mornings getting everyones breakfast, finishing packing lunches, doing their hair, making sure their footwear matches and that they have their jackets. Checking and rechecking book bags and in the middle of all of that tending to siblings that aren't getting along, turning off the TV several times. Oh we can't forget trying to compel the children to cooperate with me so they won't miss the bus etc...etc. Need I say more? No matter how early the children are up, or how organized I am mornings are still chaotic. On mornings like this, I find myself just wanting to be all alone with no other humans around after dropping the Twins off at Preschool.
This particular morning I drove to The Green and relished in the fact that I was the only one there. Someone had just mowed the grass, which was still wet from the morning dew. I sat on a park bench and gazed across the lake so calm and serene. The only sound was the slight rustle of leaves in the soft breeze as it played with my hair. Ahhhh, I had found my sanctuary for this morning. The boats in the lake sat still as if in reverence to my special place. It was so peaceful and I found myself wishing I had brought my camera. The morning beauty was so amazing and I soaked it in like a greedy child at the candy shop. I needed this stillness, this quietness this time to be alone and to reflect on different things. After a bit, I said a prayer of thankfulness and left feeling like I had more patience :)
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