After snapping a few pictures, I turned to get into the van and that's when I noticed the little white cross. It is common knowledge that these crosses are placed in loving memory of a loved one lost in that particular spot. I was moved with compassion for the family and friends of this girl that had died. She was so young! According to the years written on the cross, she was just 18 or 19 depending on where her birthday fell. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about this young girl who had her whole life ahead of her and was taken so suddenly. I stood there for a moment feeling so thankful and blessed that I was alive to see such a gorgeous sunset. Blessed that I had all my children and husband waiting for me to get back in the van. I didn't know this young girl but I said a little prayer for her loved ones as we drove away.
All evening, I couldn't help but think of a song I heard often as a little girl when riding in the truck with my grandfather entitled "Beyond the Sunset" He is a big Hank Williams fan and every so often while riding along a country road we'd hear this song that offers so much comfort during the loss of a loved one. The following are the lyrics to this song:
All evening, I couldn't help but think of a song I heard often as a little girl when riding in the truck with my grandfather entitled "Beyond the Sunset" He is a big Hank Williams fan and every so often while riding along a country road we'd hear this song that offers so much comfort during the loss of a loved one. The following are the lyrics to this song:
Beyond the Sunset
Should you go first and I remain
To walk the road alone
I'll live in memory's garden, dear
When happy days we've known.
In spring I'll watch for roses red
And shades of lilac blue
In early fall when the brown leaves fall
Then I'll catch a glimpse of you.
Should you go first and I remain
To finish with the scroll
No lenghtening shadows shall creep in
To make this life seem droll.
We've known so much of happiness
Yes, we've had our cup of joy
And memory is one gift of God
That death cannot destroy.
Should you go first and I remain
There's one thing I'd have you do
Walk slowly down that long road
For soon I'll follow you.
I want you to know each step I take
So that you may walk the same
For someday down that lonely road
I'll hear you calling my name.
Beyond the sunset, oh glad reunion
With our dear loved ones who've gone before
In that fair homeland we'll know no parting
Beyond the sunset for evermore...

Recently, we unexpectedly lost one of our dear brothers in Christ. Our church family, the community and of course his loved ones will feel this loss immensely. To the Mitchell family, we extend our deepest sympathies and are keeping you daily in our thoughts and prayers. May God bring you comfort and peace which surpasses all understanding during this difficult time. Our hearts go out to you! We esteemed this dear brother very highly and Hubby thought the world of him. We will miss his singing and playing the guitar. We have some precious memories of which we'll cherish for the rest of our lives. What a joy it is to know that we'll see Mac again.... just beyond the sunset!

* This pic was taken during a charades game at
Mac and Lena's. We shared a lot of laughs that night!
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