Friday, October 23, 2009

A Sip of Humor

Last Tuesday, Hubby and I picked up the kids from Cadets and were driving through the base heading home when we came upon a stop sign. We were waiting patiently for the traffic to pass when all of a sudden Emily exclaimed, "Oh, Mommy and Daddy look at that!!!! Someone buried the choo choo train!!" We didn't have a clue what she was talking about until Rachael pointed out the steam pipe sticking out of the ground! Much to our amusement, Emily thought that there was a train underground and the only thing showing was the exhaust pipe! As we drove drove away all you could hear was bubbles of laughter rippling through the van!

Fall Has Arrived!

Isn't it amazing how fast the seasons can change? It just seems like yesterday we were relaxing on the beach in the hot summer sun and now we are in the middle of Fall! I love this time of year. The air is crisp and the vibrant colors fall brings to us never cease to amaze me. The photo that you see here was taken by myself at the first of this month. It was such a gorgeous fall day that I couldn't resist taking a picture! I am privileged to see such beauty on a daily basis for this is the field beside our house. God paints such stunning masterpieces on his canvass we call Earth! There are times I stand in awe and literally drop what I am doing to bask in the glorious wonder of the natural beauty that surrounds us.

It's been a while since I've updated and I sincerely apologize to those of you who read my blog consistently. You've probably been wondering what's been going on in Storeyland, eh? We've been busy. The children have gone back to school. Reuben is in Grade 7 and loving it. Rachael is in her last year at GECS... grade 5! Hannah is enjoying grade 3 and the Twins have started Kindergarten! They absolutely LOVE school! They were so excited the first day that they couldn't sleep the night before. You can see from their smiles that they were happy to be going back to school!

The twins on the first day of Kindergarten

The first day of School

The children are growing up so fast. There are moments I wish time would stand still! It won't be long and they will be looking down on me! ((LOL)) I am 5'2 and already, Reuben, Rachael and Hannah are close to my height! They get that gene from their Dad that's for sure! They have adjusted well to the routine of things. Reuben just recently celebrated his 12th birthday and it just so happened on the day of his birthday, his Uncle Doug (Hubby's Brother) got married. They had a beautiful fall wedding. Emily and Alex were the flower girl and ring bearer. They looked so cute all dressed up in their formal clothes!

The Storey Wedding Oct 3rd, 2009

Emily & Alex

Well, it's late and I could add a lot more updates to this post but I'll save it for another time. To all my Family and Friends.... I am so thankful for you! I'll be doing another update shortly but for now I need to get some sleep! : )

Have a Fantastic weekend!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer, Where Art Thou?

If you are a Maritimer, you've probably had that thought in your head a few times... Where is Summer? Those beautiful, hazy and hot days of relaxing in the pool, laying on the grass staring at the clouds or barbecuing on your back deck. Those sticky, humid hot summer nights being serenaded to sleep by mosquito's or maybe cooling off in front of a fan with a glass of ice water in hand. We could probably still count on one hand how many gorgeous summer day's we've had so far this year. Believe it or not, the weather has been on the chilly side and we had enough rain to make us think we should build an ark! Here we are almost at the end of July and still waiting for the Summer weather to arrive. However, I'm not complaining. I am so thankful that God has given us another day, no matter what the weather is like. Despite the chilly weather, our family hasn't allowed it to dampen our spirits or ruin our family fun. We've had a blast going on different adventures in Storeyland and take full advantage of those few and far between hot summer days.

At the end of June we had a big birthday bash for the Twins. They turned 5 on June 24th. I was going to put a separate post for them, reflecting on how far they've come but time got away on me and I've been so busy having fun with the kids that I put blogging on a lower priority list. My apologies to those of you who've been waiting for me to up date. The following are a few pics of the Twins 5th Birthday:

The Twins Birthday Supper At Greco
Their Favorite Restaurant!!

(For the sake of our relatives who are still in the dark ages with dial up we've put the pics into a collage so they will upload faster LOL ...Enjoy)

Their Backyard 5th Birthday BBQ Bash

(We planned this on the spur of
the moment in 2 days and had over
30+ adults and children in attendance after
many days of rain we were sure we'd have
to have this inside, but Mr. Sun made an
appearance and the children enjoyed a lot
of outdoor games and fun!!)

Happy Canada Day.. July 1st, 2009

We had the privilege of attending both parades one
in our little town and one in the capital city! Reuben
was a part of the parade in our community
with the Navy League Cadets!! We had a
blast hanging out with my sis and her family
who were visiting from Alberta!!

Canada Day Fireworks

We were fortunate to have great weather for all these events and were so excited to see my lil sis... Michelle, her fiancee, Jackson and their 2 girls. They came home to get married on July 4th and were able to attend the Canada Day festivities. They flew in at mid-night on the day before and my nieces stayed the night at our house. Our children had a great time catching up on the last 10 months with their adorable cousins, Shanelle and Jasmine. It was great to see them all together again and so awesome to get to spend the week with one of my bestest friends. (There will be a separate blog about their wedding)

Reuben recently attended the "Play on Our River" Camp at the Salmon Museum and had lots of fun canoeing, fishing, swimming and doing other educational activities. He also had the opportunity to meet in person a well known, avid fisher woman, Joan Wolfe. He and his cousin Jonathan spent the entire week at this day camp and enjoyed every minute of it.

On one of our rare hot summer days the children enjoy swimming in the pool or cooling off at the Water Park. We have no complaints and are thankful for every day we are alive and well. Every day is the day that the "Lord hath made so we will rejoice and be glad in it...." no matter the weather. We all know that storms never last and after the rain comes the rainbow. So, if your getting frustrated with this bi-polar weather we've been getting, cheer up... put on a smile and be thankful your alive to enjoy the weather, no matter what it may be!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

You Are Special

Summer has finally arrived! These beautiful lilacs that bloomed in our backyard this past spring are now gone. Since Father's Day, we have been so busy that I tonight was the first time I had a moment to update my blog. With all graduations, birthdays, festivals and other events; we've had a lot of fun creating memories that will last a life time. In my next post, I'll do a more detailed update as to what's been going on in Storeyland.

It's 2am and I just finished my sister's favors for her Scottish wedding on Saturday. It's been an extremely long day and I am heading to bed shortly, however I wanted to take a moment to let you know how special YOU are!! Yes, YOU... the one who is reading this right now. Never forget that God loves you and EVERYTHING He creates is a masterpiece carefully made with a love that goes beyond our wildest imagination. I hope you have a safe and happy Summer and may God richly bless you! ♥ Jo

Sunday, June 21, 2009

~♥~ Happy Father's Day ~♥~

Happy Father's Day to
the 5 most Amazing
Men in my life!!!
♥My Dad
♥My Dad in Law
♥Grampie Moss
♥Grampie Albright
Dear Hubby: You are by far the best Daddy (and Hubby)
in the world. In our childrens eyes, you are their hero!
We want you to know that we LOVE and APPRECIATE
everything you do for us. You go above and beyond the call
of duty and we don't ever want to take that for granted.
Thank you for everything you do and for being you, we
wouldn't trade you for the world. Happy Dad's Day Hubby xo

Our Mini Grads, Our Babies.. Emily & Alex

The Twins have GRADUATED from Preschool!!!

Wow, that is so hard to believe... it seems like
yesterday they were newborn, being tube fed
and constantly monitored as they were born
premature. We never thought we'd ever see this
day arrive but we are so thankful it has! God is good!!

Congratulations Emily and Alex

We are so PROUD of you and
all you've accomplished this past year!
We love you very much!
Thank you Bonnie and Suzanne for
all the hard work you do with these precious 4 year
olds to ensure they have a successful entry
into Kindergarten. We appreciate you immensely!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Our Graduate, Our Niece Alice


We are so proud of you girl! Even though the journey seemed long and the road rough at times you didn't give up. It's so hard to believe that the sweet little baby with yellow PJ's I met many years ago is now graduating! When I first met you, I felt such a special bond with you little did we know that a few years down the road you would become my niece. No matter what path you choose after high school, keep in mind that God is there every step of the way and if you let him he will lead you into great happiness and blessings. Never fear the road that lies ahead or what the future holds because God has it all under control.

Jer 29:11 ~"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
Jer 29:12 ~When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen.
(the MSG Bible)
Congratulations on graduating from high school. We are so proud of you and we love you very much. May God richly bless you in all you do.
Love and Prayers:
Uncle Conrad, Aunt Joanie and your 5 lil Cousins

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Graduate, Our Nephew Luke


We just want to say we are so proud of your accomplishments. If there is one thing we have learned over the years, it's that your a fighter. From the time you were a little boy diagnosed with Leukemia, you beat the odds and came out victorious. We know that no matter what path you choose in life you will succeed, especially if you put God first and allow him to lead you. We've watch you grow into a fine young man and want you to know that you are in our prayers daily. As this new chapter unfolds before you remember to:
" Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding.... In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths!" Proverbs 3:4-5

Congratulations on your graduation from High School, Luke. May God richly bless you in all you do!

Love and Prayers:

Uncle Conrad, Aunt Joanie and your 5 Storey cousins

Friday, June 5, 2009

Today's Prayer

A Mother's Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my sanity to keep.
For if some peace I do not find,
I'm pretty sure I'll lose my mind.

I pray I find a little quiet,
Far from the daily family riot.
May I lie back and not have to think
About what they're stuffing down the sink,

Or who they're with, or where they're at
And what they're doing to the cat.
I pray for time all to myself
(did something just fall off a shelf?)

To cuddle in my nice, soft bed
(Oh no, another goldfish--dead!)
Some silent moments for goodness sake
(Did I just hear a window break?)

And that I need not cook or clean
(goodness, I've got the right to dream)
Yes now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray my wits about me keep,
But as I look around I know,
I must have lost them long ago!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

~*~Beyond the Sunset~*~

Have you ever seen a sunset that compelled you to stop what you were doing and stand as if in awe and disbelief of how such beauty could be created? This happened to us recently while out for a family drive near the airport. I couldn't help but get my husband to stop the van so I could make a pathetic attempt to capture it on film. The camera I have isn't the greatest and even though I can't seem to capture the beauty of the moment, I'm still determined to try. On this particular evening, I didn't notice the little white cross right away. The sunset had my full and undivided attention.

After snapping a few pictures, I turned to get into the van and that's when I noticed the little white cross. It is common knowledge that these crosses are placed in loving memory of a loved one lost in that particular spot. I was moved with compassion for the family and friends of this girl that had died. She was so young! According to the years written on the cross, she was just 18 or 19 depending on where her birthday fell. Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about this young girl who had her whole life ahead of her and was taken so suddenly. I stood there for a moment feeling so thankful and blessed that I was alive to see such a gorgeous sunset. Blessed that I had all my children and husband waiting for me to get back in the van. I didn't know this young girl but I said a little prayer for her loved ones as we drove away.

All evening, I couldn't help but think of a song I heard often as a little girl when riding in the truck with my grandfather entitled "Beyond the Sunset" He is a big Hank Williams fan and every so often while riding along a country road we'd hear this song that offers so much comfort during the loss of a loved one. The following are the lyrics to this song:

Beyond the Sunset

Should you go first and I remain
To walk the road alone
I'll live in memory's garden, dear
When happy days we've known.
In spring I'll watch for roses red
And shades of lilac blue
In early fall when the brown leaves fall
Then I'll catch a glimpse of you.
Should you go first and I remain
To finish with the scroll
No lenghtening shadows shall creep in
To make this life seem droll.
We've known so much of happiness
Yes, we've had our cup of joy
And memory is one gift of God
That death cannot destroy.
Should you go first and I remain
There's one thing I'd have you do
Walk slowly down that long road
For soon I'll follow you.
I want you to know each step I take
So that you may walk the same
For someday down that lonely road
I'll hear you calling my name.

Beyond the sunset, oh glad reunion
With our dear loved ones who've gone before
In that fair homeland we'll know no parting
Beyond the sunset for evermore...

Recently, we unexpectedly lost one of our dear brothers in Christ. Our church family, the community and of course his loved ones will feel this loss immensely. To the Mitchell family, we extend our deepest sympathies and are keeping you daily in our thoughts and prayers. May God bring you comfort and peace which surpasses all understanding during this difficult time. Our hearts go out to you! We esteemed this dear brother very highly and Hubby thought the world of him. We will miss his singing and playing the guitar. We have some precious memories of which we'll cherish for the rest of our lives. What a joy it is to know that we'll see Mac again.... just beyond the sunset!

* This pic was taken during a charades game at
Mac and Lena's. We shared a lot of laughs that night!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Overheard in Storeyland

~The Twins singing, "I'm a Little Snowman"~

While driving along after school one day, the Twins started singing a song they learned in preschool. They were really getting into it and of course their voices got louder as they belted out:

"I'm a little snowman short and fat

here is my button, here is my hat....etc"

Needless to say... after about the tenth time shouting it, Rachael had had enough. Raising her voice over the twosome melody she said firmly, "OK Emily and Alex. That's enough.. STOP singing!" To which Emily promptly replied, "We can't. It's not even us singing, it's a tape!"

She then proceeded to continue the song even louder much to to the dismay of everyone else who just wanted some peace and quiet! (I quickly realized we're lagging in this 21st century...we still have a tape deck in our van!! LOL)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Still Waters

Psalms 23:2
"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters."
While driving along the St. John river last summer, I was amazed at how still the river was. I asked hubby to stop the van so I could take a picture of it. He obliged and when I stepped out on to the curb instantly a feeling of peace washed over my soul. All the tension and stress I had been under left my body. It was as if the calmness of the water saturated every fiber of my being right through my eyes! In the tranquility of the moment, I was moved at how God could use nature to remind us that there are times we need to be still and know that He is God! ~(Psalms 46:10)
It had been a rough summer up to that point. There were times I craved being beside those "still waters" where I could be refreshed. I desperately needed rest and peace of mind. Gazing out over God's peaceful masterpiece, I suddenly realized that all this time I was leading myself! Somewhere along the way I had taken things back into my own hands not allowing God to lead me in the right direction. We often need to be reminded that God is in control and he has our best interest at heart. He knows exactly when it's time for us to slow down. He will lead us beside those still waters where we can find that much needed rest but we have to step back and allow him to lead.

Isaiah 30:15
"For thus saith the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel;
In returning and rest shall ye be saved;
in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength!"

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Merry Month of May

As the end of the school year approaches, a certain restlessness fills the atmosphere at our house. The days are getting longer and summer is well on it's way. The children would rather stay outside and play instead of going through the whole bed time routine. During the school year, we try our best to have the children in bed by 7:30- 8pm. This time of year however, there's still lots of day light left as we tuck them in and bid them goodnight. Despite the fact that they days seem longer, they are flying by so quickly that it's hard to remember what happened yesterday. I still can't believe how fast the month of May went. Here are a few highlights:

Mother's day fell on the second Sunday of the month this year. It was a beautiful day for me. The children and hubby showered me with lots of gifts and after the morning service we headed over Doaktown to see Hubby's Mother. She was hosting a big dinner for the family. We had a fantastic time visiting with his family. It was nice also to see his brother who was visiting home from Alberta. I am so thankful for a Mother, Mother in law and Grandmother's who love God and know how to pray. We love you all dearly! Thank you for your guidance and prayers down over the year. The song Prayer Warrior comes to mind when thinking of these precious ladies. I hope you all had a fantastic Mothers Day!

The second highlight of May was our annual Atlantic District Youth Convention. For the first time we went as a 'partial' family. (The twins who are 4 stayed with their grandparents and we took our 3 oldest children.) In previous years we had gone as Youth Leaders and had chaperoned several youth groups over the years. We have some very fond memories of Youth Convention especially the one in 2007 when Rachael, our now 10 year old received the precious gift of the Holy Spirit in accordance to Acts 2:38. We have always left each convention with a passion for a closer walk with God and revived in our spirits but this year was by far the most phenominal Convention we had ever attended. We were stirred, changed, inspired and determined that we were going to reach the lost no matter the cost! God certainly used the special speaker, Bro. Matt Maddix to challenge us to become Soul Winners and Prayers Warriors. It was amazing to see the response of the youth of this District as walls were broken down and they received a tremendous touch from Almighty God. The last night of the convention, 90 people received the Holy Ghost!!! What a power packed, anointed service that was!

This pic was taken just after our daughter Hannah, age 8 received this precious gift and she has been excited about it ever since. She tells everyone she meets!! We are so excited about what God is doing and what he is going to do with the Atlantic District Youth!

On Saturday of the Convention, I got to spend some time with my best friend Amanda who is home from the Mission Field. She and her Hubby are expecting their long awaited first baby!! It was so nice to see them and spend some time catching up on things. We are keeping them daily in our prayers and are so happy for them. We don't see them often enough and are thankful for any opportunity God provides for us to fellowship with them. We are so thankful for true friends who are there no matter how many miles may separate us.

Just as April was busy, the calender filled up quickly for this month as well. Last weekend, our son Reuben had his Navey League Cadet Reward Ceremony. He has completed his first year in the NLC and we are very proud of him for sticking it out even when he wore a hole through his sock during a 2hour drill! (LOL) He has learned a lot of great skills and has had fun at the various camps and functions he was able to attend. He is looking forward to attending Camp Barnacle this summer. Way to go Reuben!

As the saying goes, "April showers bring May flowers" I wonder... What do May Flowers bring? Only time will tell!
Have a great week ;-)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bloom Where You Are Planted

I have a confession to make and it might shock you!!! I do not have a green thumb, actually its rather fleshly colored. (Tee hee) Anyhow, it is the truth though. I am not a good gardener. I tend to get impatient waiting for things to bloom and grow and half the time I don't have a clue if I am yanking up weeds or gorgeous flowers. I have decided I should stick to planting tree's and creating rock gardens. The less maintenance the better. All though, part of this problem is due to the fact I am so thinly spread that I don't have a great amount a time to devote to tending to a garden, the other issue I have is lack of knowledge. Every spring I get the urge to plant and create a beautiful flower garden but I seem to have a problem not knowing where to start. I always find it amazing how fast the tree's and peoples gardens bloom out with all the spring blossoms. We have already mowed the lawn a few times this month and have had some awesome weather. I've got a start on a tan already and summer hasn't arrived yet LOL. I love being kissed by the warm rays of the sun especially those first warm days after a cold and dreary winter! I am sure those little blossoms asleep under the blanket of snow feel the same way!

We planted some trees this month. The children had a blast helping Hubby and I make our yard look more beautiful and do something positive for the environment. They also create a nice hedge and once the fencing is done between them, our property will be more visible to potential future buyers. While they were busy planting, I was busy doing something I really enjoyed -taking pictures of it all!
~Hubby getting ready to dig another hole!

~Reuben mowed the grass while Daddy dug
the holes!

~The Twins helped Daddy put the tree in the hole!

~Time to spread the mulch!

~Alex & Emily carefully water the trees!

~The almost finished result!

*You can see our neighbours garage in the background of this pic.The tree's help to section off our properties. Our plan is to put fancy fencing in between each tree. We opted for that instead of just a fence. We can't wait until it's finished!*

As I stated earlier, I personally do not have a green thumb and even plastic plants don't survive me! HAHA.....Well actually, it's more like they don't survive my rambunctious children. I'll never forget the time I bought a real, gorgeous tropical plant for the house. I was diligent in watering it and caring for it. To my surprise despite my ungreen (is that a word LOL) thumb it was growing so beautifully, until one day Alex decided to give it a 'haircut and use the stems as a microphone! I was so sad to see all the lovely green leaves on the floor and determined in my heart I'd never pay over $60 for a plant like that again! Even though, I got a little upset, it was hard to stay angry and discipline him for it because he was so cute at explaining why he did it. I did manage to capture a picture of him singing into the limbs of the plant. :-)

~Alex singing into his new "microphone"
after he gave the plant a "haircut"!!! Kids are so creative eh?

Even though I don't have the coveted green thumb, I do love flowers, plants and tree's. When we bought our house a few years back, there was a gorgeous flower garden in the front of the house. Needless, to say I tried my best to weed it but unfortunately, I don't think it was just weeds I was pulling out of it. I tried googling gardening tips and pictures of the difference between weeds and actual plants but I didn't have much luck. So, I just pulled everything out with the intention of replanting. The only plant that survived my antics was a beautiful flowering bush in the middle of the garden. It's a small tree that blooms out vibrant red blossoms and I have no clue what it is. I love it though. It's so pretty. My decision this year about that garden is to turn it into a rock garden around this beautiful tree so that the tree can stand out and not be cluttered. It has grown a lot over the past 3 years and is taking up a lot of room in the flower box. One thing I have learned though through this experience is that most plants do bloom where they are planted.

You know, our life is often like a garden. Sometimes, we allow weeds such as sin, anger, bitterness and hatred to grow choking out the beautiful person that we really are. We can often get to a place where we are not content with what we have and long to be planted in someone else's garden. However, keep in mind that you and I are right where God wants us. He has planted us in these specific spots for a reason. Every day as his plan for our lives unfolds, he desires us to bloom so that we can touch the lives of others and lead them to Christ. He wants us to bloom where we are planted and if we allow that to happen, we will live a life of joy, peace and happiness.

~Jeremiah 29:11- "I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out--plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for." ( The MSG Bible)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Overheard in Storeyland

While bathing the children the other night, Emily was the last to get in the tub. Meanwhile, I was running around getting everyone ready for bed. All of a sudden, I heard giggling so I stood outside the bathroom door to investigate the cause of such bubbly laughter. Hannah went in to brush her teeth while Emily was still bathing but got distracted by squirting lotion all over Emily.
"More...More, it's not working!' Emily demanded then fell into another fit of giggles as Hannah put more lotion on her.
"There that should take it out if you just rub it in!" Hannah encouraged with a fit of giggles.
"No, I need more," Emily insisted "I am still full of WRUNKLES!" (aka wrinkles)

Immediately I figured out what was going on...Emily had soaked in the tub so long she was wrinkled up and the girls figured lotion would take them out!!! There was so much lotion that I had to drain the tub and give her another bath. To them I appeared to be reprimanding them for getting into the lotion without permission but on the inside I was laughing. There truly is NEVER a dull moment in Storeyland!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Storeyland Update Part II

Hi there!!! As promised here is part two of the highlights of what's been happening in Storeyland over the past 3 months. If you are on facebook, you may already be aware of what we've been up to and may have already seen some of the pictures we post here, we want to thank each and everyone of you who take the time to read our blog. The purpose of this blog is to inform family and friends that live far away as to what's been happening in Storeyland. We also hope to inspire, encourage and uplift our readers with some of our posts. We welcome any comments you may have! :)

Our 5 cuties pretending to be characters on
Little House on the Prairie

April 2009

For some reason April seemed like a very slow month all though it was full of some great events like Easter, the Atlantic District Ladies Retreat and Hannah's Birthday. Easter at our house was a little different this year. Unfortunately, Rachael and I got very sick and wasn't able to attend the Easter Services. It was the first time we had ever missed church on Easter Weekend. She was extremely disappointed that she wasn't going to be able to wear her new fancy dress. We had gotten all the children a new Easter outfit this year. It had been quite awhile since we bought them some fancy clothes so we went all out. Suits for the boys and gorgeous, satin/lace dresses for the girls. They looked so sweet. Like little prince's and princesses. We also got a brand new niece, Sophia who was born Easter weekend to proud parents, Doug & Nancy! Doug is Hubby's brother and this is his first child. She is adorable.

The Ladies Retreat was by far one of the best I had ever attended. With topics such as Parenting Your Children in the Age of Seduction etc One of the highlights was our dear elderly Sis. Priest singing a special. I had the opportunity to stay with some very special friends, Michelle and Holly. We shared a lot of laughter and were ministered to in such an inspirational way. I am thankful for friends that can encourage and share in special times such as these. It definitely felt like a retreat. I came home with my batteries recharged and loads of advice on parenting children in this day and age.

The following are some pictures of the highlights of April 2009:

Easter 2009

~The Twins Easter Morning in their
new outfits just before leaving for
Sunday School.

~All though this pic was taken at YC 09, it
is the only pic we had of our 3 older children
in their Easter outfits...due to the fact that
Rachael was sick with influenza Easter Morning!
(Reuben was missing his suit coat in the pic)

~This was an Easter collage I created
for our profile page on FB :)

~The newest addition to the Storey Family!
Hubby brother Doug and his fiancee Nancy are
proud parents of this adorable Princess♥

Happy 8th Birthday Hannah!!

It is so hard to believe that Hannah turned 8 on April 30th! She has grown into such a social butterfly. She loves to be surrounded by friends and family. She enjoys being outside and anything that involves physical activity. She is such a joy to have around and a precious gift from God.

Hannah....Age 3

Hannah.....age 8

Ladies Retreat 09

Sis. Priest ministering in song at the Ladies
Retreat. I believe she is over 80yrs old!!
*The updates for the month of May will be done in a separate post. Hope ya'll have a great weekend!!! God has given us beautiful weather! SpRiNg has definitely SpRuNg in the Maritimes!!!
God bless!!
~The 7 Storey's