As I think about the fun the other 4 had, my mind takes me back to when we were younger and my brother and our cousin set the field on fire. They were playing with matches and I can't recall what exactly happened but they came running in the house crying that there was a fire. Thankfully, it was dealt with before the house burned down. Needless to say, they were remorseful and to my knowledge never tried that again. LOL How ironic is it that my brother who help start that fire now puts them out as he is a volunteer fire fighter? Putting a full fledged fire out is no easy task and it usually takes more than one person.
Everyday in parenting I try to put out little flames before they become a full fledged fire. It may be a flame of jealousy, anger, name calling, bickering and fighting. Or maybe it was a flame of sadness, insecurity or frustration. Regardless of the flame, I try hard to look for teachable moments in raising my children. I want them to know that all though those feelings may be normal to have at times, they are not good feelings to hold onto. Sometimes, however, I am so busy putting their little flames out that I don't pay attention to my own flames that are smoldering in my life and the next thing I know I am on fire. Stressed out and wanting to stop, drop and roll but not having the strength to feel I can.
It is then I realize that I can't put that fire out myself. I need God to pour his anointing oil upon those flames and quench those horrible fires that don't belong in my life. The only fire that should be burning is the fire of his holy spirit. That burning passion to do the right thing and serve God with all my mind, soul and spirit. The kind of fire that causes us to lay it all down and rest in his hands. What better place is there than putting our life into the hands of the one who created us? He knows us better than we know ourselves. I don't want to be like those foolish virgins in the Bible who let their lamps burn out before the bridegroom came. I want my fire for God to burn bright and not allow anything to quench that fire. It is only the flames that don't belong in my life I want to quench before I get burned badly and I know with God's help I can become more wise in taking care of myself in those area's. I also want to encourage you who may be reading this blog to go ahead and trust God if your being burned by a fire that hurts badly. He can heal your hurts if you'll give it to him. I know that for a fact because He's done it for me!
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