October 1st:
Yesterday was such a wonderful day! I got to have lunch with my brother and his wife. I really enjoyed myself and what a fantastic way to spend the morning. Time just went way too fast though! I needed to be back by dinner to pick up the Twins. That brief three hours away from them goes super fast. Amanda and I enjoyed our girl time together and I guess my brother who left a bit early was outnumbered by us girls as usual LOL I still haven't figured out the puzzle he gave me as I left! It's a brain teaser for sure. Amanda, thanks for such a wonderful morning. I look forward to our next "date" ;-)
Today was a catch up day for me. It seems the more I do, the more there is to do. I decided to make homemade biscuits and chili. Guess I scored brownie points with the kids tee hee...They loved the hot butter brushed biscuits. Then Reuben and Rachael rushed off for their first night of Cadets. I am so glad that they wanted to join this program. It teaches self-discipline and many other great attributes that are beneficial to children in today's society. Hannah, the Twins and I did some baking tonight which diminished pretty quickly. My children just love to bake. I also ordered Reuben's cake today too. He wants a knights castle. I can't believe his birthday is on Friday. Where does the time go?
October 2nd:
Oh my goodness, it took me forever to get the kids out the door this morning. Reuben almost missed his bus and the twins just wanted to watch cartoons. They just didn't want to go to School today. However, I wasn't about to keep them home, I knew that they would be wanting to go after the cartoons were over. Sure enough, as soon as I dropped them off they were practically pushing me out the door. I had a very busy morning. I almost forgot to pick them up. We headed into Freddy where we had lunch with Daddy. Oh the twins loved that. They just love going to get Daddy from work. They always want to run across the front lawn and look at the Ducks but it was raining so we stayed put. We had fun looking for presents for Reuben this afternoon. The countdown is on...he turns 11 tomorrow!
October 3rd:
11 years ago today, God blessed us with a baby boy and he was also referred to as our miracle child. I was told I'd never have children but God is a healer and he chose to heal me. I'll never forget the day Reuben was born. My word, I ate like 6 fudgescicles before my water broke LOL. Not much wonder the child loves chocolate :) Our lives got richer on this day 11 years ago. To our fantastic son we want to say....
Happy Birthday Reuben!!!

Love Mommy, Daddy, Rachael
Hannah, Emily and Alex
We love you and
We are very proud of you!!
We asked Reuben where he wanted to go for his birthday supper and we were secretly hoping he would choose a nice restaurant but instead he chose McDonald's...so much for a yummy Chinese dinner LOL. Instead we had to settle for burger and fries. We did let him open a present from us and Nan & Pup. We saved one for his party too. Unfortunately, he has to wait a week for his party but he still had a great time afterwards we went shopping. He of course wanted to spend his birthday money. Needless to say, the children were tired by the time we got home.
The weekend was busy and in there somewhere was a tiny bit of family time. I wasn't feeling well and so I spent a lot of time resting. The children had a blast and even got to roast marshmallows over a bonfire with hubby. I am so thankful that I have him and that he does fun things like that with the kids. He even got some yard work done too.
October 6th:
Do you ever have days when things just don't go as planned. I am so disappointed that my plans had to change for today. Instead of spending time with a great friend, sipping tea and swapping parenting woes....I was home experiencing more woes! I noticed one of the kids marked all over the stools with Permanent marker. Where they find these in the house I don't know because I thought they were all put up high in the cupboard. I think I have an artist on hand who is practicing his A's. He tries to write his name on many things. One time it was my shoe, another time the inside of my shoe, the walls, the table, the cupboard etc. It reminds me of the time when we first moved to this area, we were renting a house and Reuben wanted to make sure his friends could find his room. So, he drew blue arrows from the front door all the way across the kitchen, dining room, foyer, up the stairs to his room. On his door and on his walls. For the longest time it wouldn't come off and we would just say to his friends who came looking for him.......just follow the blue arrows LOL
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