Isn't it amazing how fast the seasons can change? It just seems like yesterday we were relaxing on the beach in the hot summer sun and now we are in the middle of Fall! I love this time of year. The air is crisp and the vibrant colors fall brings to us never cease to amaze me. The photo that you see here was taken by myself at the first of this month. It was such a gorgeous fall day that I couldn't resist taking a picture! I am privileged to see such beauty on a daily basis for this is the field beside our house. God paints such stunning masterpieces on his canvass we call Earth! There are times I stand in awe and literally drop what I am doing to bask in the glorious wonder of the natural beauty that surrounds us.
It's been a while since I've updated and I sincerely apologize to those of you who read my blog consistently. You've probably been wondering what's been going on in Storeyland, eh? We've been busy. The children have gone back to school. Reuben is in Grade 7 and loving it. Rachael is in her last year at GECS... grade 5! Hannah is enjoying grade 3 and the Twins have started Kindergarten! They absolutely LOVE school! They were so excited the first day that they couldn't sleep the night before. You can see from their smiles that they were happy to be going back to school!
The twins on the first day of Kindergarten
The first day of School
The children are growing up so fast. There are moments I wish time would stand still! It won't be long and they will be looking down on me! ((LOL)) I am 5'2 and already, Reuben, Rachael and Hannah are close to my height! They get that gene from their Dad that's for sure! They have adjusted well to the routine of things. Reuben just recently celebrated his 12th birthday and it just so happened on the day of his birthday, his Uncle Doug (Hubby's Brother) got married. They had a beautiful fall wedding. Emily and Alex were the flower girl and ring bearer. They looked so cute all dressed up in their formal clothes!
The Storey Wedding Oct 3rd, 2009

Emily & Alex
Well, it's late and I could add a lot more updates to this post but I'll save it for another time. To all my Family and Friends.... I am so thankful for you! I'll be doing another update shortly but for now I need to get some sleep! : )
Have a Fantastic weekend!!!