If you are a Maritimer, you've probably had that thought in your head a few times... Where is Summer? Those beautiful, hazy and hot days of relaxing in the pool, laying on the grass staring at the clouds or barbecuing on your back deck. Those sticky, humid hot summer nights being serenaded to sleep by mosquito's or maybe cooling off in front of a fan with a glass of ice water in hand. We could probably still count on one hand how many gorgeous summer day's we've had so far this year. Believe it or not, the weather has been on the chilly side and we had enough rain to make us think we should build an ark! Here we are almost at the end of July and still waiting for the Summer weather to arrive. However, I'm not complaining. I am so thankful that God has given us another day, no matter what the weather is like. Despite the chilly weather, our family hasn't allowed it to dampen our spirits or ruin our family fun. We've had a blast going on different adventures in Storeyland and take full advantage of those few and far between hot summer days.
At the end of June we had a big birthday bash for the Twins. They turned 5 on June 24th. I was going to put a separate post for them, reflecting on how far they've come but time got away on me and I've been so busy having fun with the kids that I put blogging on a lower priority list. My apologies to those of you who've been waiting for me to up date. The following are a few pics of the Twins 5th Birthday:
The Twins Birthday Supper At Greco
Their Favorite Restaurant!!
(For the sake of our relatives who are still in the dark ages with dial up we've put the pics into a collage so they will upload faster LOL ...Enjoy)
Their Backyard 5th Birthday BBQ Bash
(We planned this on the spur of
the moment in 2 days and had over
30+ adults and children in attendance after
many days of rain we were sure we'd have
to have this inside, but Mr. Sun made an
appearance and the children enjoyed a lot
of outdoor games and fun!!)
Happy Canada Day.. July 1st, 2009
We had the privilege of attending both parades one
in our little town and one in the capital city! Reuben
was a part of the parade in our community
with the Navy League Cadets!! We had a
blast hanging out with my sis and her family
who were visiting from Alberta!!
Canada Day Fireworks
We were fortunate to have great weather for all these events and were so excited to see my lil sis... Michelle, her fiancee, Jackson and their 2 girls. They came home to get married on July 4th and were able to attend the Canada Day festivities. They flew in at mid-night on the day before and my nieces stayed the night at our house. Our children had a great time catching up on the last 10 months with their adorable cousins, Shanelle and Jasmine. It was great to see them all together again and so awesome to get to spend the week with one of my bestest friends. (There will be a separate blog about their wedding)
Reuben recently attended the "Play on Our River" Camp at the Salmon Museum and had lots of fun canoeing, fishing, swimming and doing other educational activities. He also had the opportunity to meet in person a well known, avid fisher woman, Joan Wolfe. He and his cousin Jonathan spent the entire week at this day camp and enjoyed every minute of it.
On one of our rare hot summer days the children enjoy swimming in the pool or cooling off at the Water Park. We have no complaints and are thankful for every day we are alive and well. Every day is the day that the "Lord hath made so we will rejoice and be glad in it...." no matter the weather. We all know that storms never last and after the rain comes the rainbow. So, if your getting frustrated with this bi-polar weather we've been getting, cheer up... put on a smile and be thankful your alive to enjoy the weather, no matter what it may be!!