Monday, September 8, 2008

Showers of Blessings

Rain, rain go away
Come again another day
Little children want to play
Rain, rain go away!
How often have you wanted to sing this song in the past few weeks? We have gotten so much rain recently that some of our friends have flooded basements. It's amazing how it just keeps pouring down oblivious to the fact that there are disgruntled parents cooped up inside with bored, crying children. No matter what activities you try to encourage your children to do they don't want to do those things. Whether it's playing a game, playing with each other in their rooms, doing crafts, play with play dough or watching a movie, nothing is exciting enough for my children when it's raining. Why is it on a beautiful day they want to stay inside and all of a sudden those activities hold their interest but when its horrible weather they want to go out?

One particular rainy day, I had set the twins up with crafts. Since they were distracted, I decided to tackle the ever growing mountain of laundry. The older children were at school and I was making it a goal to have everything done before they got home. As I was sorting clothes, Alex decided he wanted to make breakfast. I had already cooked them oatmeal and they ate all of it so I don' t think it was hunger that prompted him to do this. I was focused on my task at hand and about 10 to 15 minutes into doing laundry I could hear giggles and laughter coming from the kitchen so, I decided to investigate.

Low and behold, there they were just 2 1/2 years old making their own breakfast. There was a dozen eggs smashed all over the floor! Emily was in the process of pouring cereal on the eggs while Alex was adding the milk and stirring it. What a MESS!!! I laugh now when I think back but at the time I wasn't smiling. Nonstop for almost 2 years and even sometimes now, I clean a room while they trash another one. There are countless stories I could tell of them. Like the time I came into the kitchen after getting clothes off the line and they were jumping on the counter on JUICE BOXES laughing as the juice squirted out and ran down the fridge and wall. There are times I wonder if our house will ever be normal or halfway decent again. But in the midst of all this chaos, I am counting my blessings. Thankful for all that God has given me and knowing that He wouldn't give us any more than we can bare.

Just this morning, I was more tempted to groan and complain rather than count my blessings. I tackled the downstairs washroom and while I was giving it a thorough cleaning, Alex decided to shine my kitchen floors......with margarine!! Not only that but he shined the stove and stools too. I am not sure if Emily helped him. He blames her and she said that it was him but I only saw Alex in the kitchen. What a mess to clean up. On the bright side, everything is very slippery and smooth now. LOL

I am so thankful that it is not a rainy day today. The twins are now ready to go outside with me for a nice walk. As I reflect on the showers of blessings in my life, I am so thankful that I serve a God who wants to bless us beyond measure. So much so that we can hardly contain it. He gave me a double blessing when he gave me the Twins. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband and 5 healthy children. It would take hours to share the showers of blessings that have come into my life. To many time we focus on what we think we need and take for granted the blessings that have already happened to us. The old hymn says "Count your blessings, name them one by one....Count your many blessings see what God has done!" It will amaze you as you begin to count your blessings just how much God has blessed you with!

"And I will send showers, showers of blessings, which will come just when they are needed" Ezekiel 34:26, NLT

A Sip of Humor

On one of our Mother/Daughter outings, Rachael decided she really wanted to go to Burger King for Dinner. We ordered our food and she choose a window seat by the front entrance. She was sitting facing the window and I the crowd of customers happily devouring their Burgers.

All of a sudden Rachael pipes up in a loud surprised voice, " Mommy is that an outdoor toilet?" So, of course I turn around curiously peer out the window behind me not seeing anything out of place let alone an outside toilet. I said " Rachael, what are you talking about, I don't see anything eat your lunch we have to go soon." Then I proceeded to take a drink of iced tea.

"It must be Mommy," she insisted loudly " Look, it says Butt Stop!" pointing at the ashtray tin for cigarettes hanging on the side of the building. Needless to say, the window got a good washing of iced tea for I laughed so hard I couldn't swallow and all you could hear was ripples of laughter from everyone within hearing distance.